Thematic Review of Global Fund Programmatic Assurance

The Global Fund
Sierra Leone
South Africa

In consortium with Itad, EHG was hired by the Global Fund to carry out a thematic review of the organization’s assurance model and mechanisms in relation to programmatic risks.

The key objectives of the review were to:

a) Assess the progress made by the Secretariat on programmatic assurance and whether the current risk and assurance framework is fit for differentiated portfolio’s needs

b) Assess whether the current mechanisms provide adequate assurance concerning the risk of non- or under-achievement of public health impact against Key Performance Indicators or gaps exist

c) Analyse how to obtain adequate programmatic assurance while keeping the system ‘agile’ by looking at the current assurance providers and assurance mechanisms

d) Provide recommendations on how to improve the assurance mechanisms for programmatic risks and suggestions of additional/alternative options and tools considering principles such as relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability

The seven case studies that were selected were Cambodia, Indonesia, Namibia, Niger, Sierra Leone, South Africa and Zambia with in-country missions in Cambodia, Sierra Leone and Zambia.

EHG provided the team leader and a team member to this four person core team.