Evaluation of the UN Joint Programme contribution to strengthening HIV and Primary Health Care outcomes


EHG is evaluating UNAIDS Joint Programme’s work on leveraging the HIV and Primary Health Care interlink due to a need for identifying opportunities and imperatives for the Joint Programme’s work on Primary Health Care in the future.

The evaluation will identify how efforts to address HIV have been – conceptually and operationally– linked to the Primary Health Care approach and how this can be further strengthened. The evaluation will capture the HIV-PHC interface, drawing on where things stand, based on current experience and where things could stand by reorienting health systems towards PHC. The evaluation will not only assess how the Joint Programme has supported integration of HIV into Primary Health Care and how HIV integration has improved HIV prevention, testing and treatment outcomes, but also how this has strengthened Primary Health Care outcomes more broadly, e.g., improving the ability of PHC to care for people with chronic illnesses.  

The evaluation is designed for accountability and learning purposes, and the expected end-users of the evaluation comprise UNAIDS Joint Programme (Co-sponsors and Secretariat) at all levels, UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board constituencies, UNAIDS partners such as PEPFAR, USAID and the Global Fund, given their focus on integrated people-centred systems and services.