ECDC Monitoring the HIV and Viral Hepatitis Response

European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC)

Euro Health Group was commissioned by the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) to assist in monitoring the implementation of the Dublin Declaration on Partnership to Fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia and to produce a series of reports with a detailed analysis of the progress of achievements in the HIV/AIDS response in Europe and Central Asia.

Further, the project monitored the response to viral hepatitis across EU/EEA countries, using the ECDC system to monitor hepatitis B and C, developed to report on progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal, target 3.3. This tool collected data for a limited number of indicators directly from national authorities, to reduce the reporting burden on countries.

The overall task for the consultants was to support ECDC’s monitoring of the HIV and viral hepatitis B and C response, and to collect, validate, clean and analyse the data to produce thematic progress reports and short evidence briefs, taking into account the data submitted by the countries involved. This work was overseen by a 15-member expert advisory group.

The target audience for the thematic reports and evidence briefs produced were HIV and hepatitis programme implementers and NGOs in European and neighbouring countries, as well as policy advisers and -makers at national and European level.