Strengthening Health Sector Governance for Improving Integrated Planning and Programming of National HIV, TB and Malaria Programs in Low/Middle-Income Countries - Phase 2

The Global Fund
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Papua New Guinea

Phase 1 - an analytical framework was developed for assessing integration bottlenecks across national disease-control programmes realted to health sector governance - was undertaken by another company.

EHG was contracted for Phase 2 - application of the analytical framework to assess integration bottlenecks in selected countries. Based on findings, develop country-specific packages of technical support, capacity building and institutional development interventions aimed at addressing identified bottlenecks to cross-programme integration.

The detailed activities included:

- Assess cross-programme integration bottlenecks related to governance in the five selected countries

- Analyse country dialogue processes during preparation of funding applications to the Global Fund in 2017, with focus on assessing the level of coordination and collaboration between HIV, TB and malaria programmes and health systems stakeholders (including external partners)

- Based on findings of the above analyses, design country-specific packages of technical assistance, capacity building and institutional support to support countries strengthen health sector governance for improving integrated planning, programming and implementation of HIV, TB and malaria programmes, leading to integrated funding requests to the Global Fund for the 2010-2022 funding cycle.

A core team of six senior public health experts along with five national experts delivered the following products:

- Five country-specific reports (Laos, Nepal, Mongolia and PNG)

- A synthesis report

- Costed country-specific work-plans of technical assistance